Quarterly Journal
The quarterly periodical of the Fellowship is named BRETHREN ROOTS. This 24 page journal contains articles pertaining to the history of Brethren families, congregations, movements and migrations, and records relevant to the Brethren. Also included are queries, lists of new members, and other related business of the Fellowship.
Previously, it was called the Newsletter of the Fellowship of Brethren Genealogists. Beginning with the Spring 1998 issue the publication has been renamed Brethren Roots.
An annual membership in FOBG includes the subscription to four issues of Brethren Roots. The periodical can be received either on paper for a fee of $24.00 for printing and mailing or electronically in the form of a pdf attachment to e-mail for $12.00 annually.
There is an index of the Table of Contents for the 126 issues of the Newsletter, published between 1969 and 1997. This sixteen page Special Issue 1998 may be ordered from the Membership Secretary for $4.00 plus $3.00 for mailing.
For $25.00, FOBG also offers a 2 CD Bundle that contains the 37 newsletters published between 1969 and 1980. The first volume contains 335 images of the pages from Volume 1, Number 1, Page 1 through Volume 8, Number 3, Page 41. The second volume contains 291 images of the pages from Volume 8, Number 3, Page 42 through Volume 12, Number 4, Page 84. Also included in the bundle is a printed 26 page Surname Index for the newsletter Volume 1 through 5 (1969-1973) and a 69 page Surname Index for Volumes 6 through 12 (1974-1980). Add $3.00 for mailing.
Back issues are available in print at $3.00 each plus a $3.00 mailing fee. Orders can be made and picked up at the Fellowship's exhibit booth at the Church of the Brethren's Annual Conference and save mailing costs.
Take advantage of a special dispensation that is available for members who possibly can attend Annual Conference, or who can arrange with their congregation's delegate, to pick up pre-ordered back issues at the FOBG's exhibit booth and save all postage costs in mailing.
Spring 1998 (Vol. 30, No. 1)
This first issue of the Fellowship's journal under the Brethren Roots name has the "Eversole Family of Perry County, Ohio" as the cover article. Another article (unquestionably to be a great research aid) on "Brethren Roots & Branches," a South-central PA region periodical on Brethren history and genealogy which was published between 1975 and 1988, is discussed and indexed by our editor, Homer Benton. This five page index of articles will be invaluable for family history researchers with interests in this area. Also, Homer has included another index, namely, the Snow Hill Cemetery Records (a cemetery in Quincy, PA), a three page alphabetical list of the gravestone inscriptions. Then, filling out this thematic issue are companion articles on the published five volume index of obituaries appearing in the Vindicator, the official monthly publication of the Old German Baptist Brethren, and on the compiler of these Obituary Summaries, Rosa L. Brovont. These articles, along with the regular columns of the journal, will make this issue a valuable reference for Brethren genealogists.Summer 1998 (Vol. 30, No. 2)
A cover article for this issue is submitted by Merle Rummel, who is an active contributor on the Brethren mailing list. His area of expertise is the movement of Brethren families to the KY and Southwestern Ohio area and the establishment of churches in the Miami Valley. In this issue, he discusses the families of the Four Mile Church (the first Brethen congregation in Indiana, org.1809) and in a related article, the Kanawha Trace, which permitted migration from VA to Richmond IN. Homer Benton reproduces the list of 636 ministers found in H.R. Holsinger's Brethren Almanac for 1871. Jerry Miller adds his transcription of the Cherry Lane Church of the Brethren Cemetery in Bedford Co. PA and Donna Arnold contributes photos and a Family Group Sheet for Henry Horning (1798-1872). Also included is the Fellowship's obituary of Lester Binnie, a well respected Brethren genealogist noted for his published volumes on Kosciusko and Wabash County Indiana cemetery records.Fall 1998 (Vol. 30, No. 3)
Three well-written and researched articles fill this issue. Merle Rummel identifies families in his "Early Brethren Residents in Northumberland County, PA." James M. Freed abstracts and annotates a list of conscientious objectors from the "Draft Enrollment List for 1862 in Howard County, Indiana." And, a chapter on Dunkards in the Cove is reprinted from "History of the Early Settlement of the Juniata Valley" published by U. L. Jones in 1855. Then, the editor, Homer Benton, begins a list of obituaries which appeared in the "Monthly Gospel Visiter" (from January through June 1857). Ronald Hollinger, the President, adds his report on the FOBG annual business meeting held July 3rd in Orlando, FL. And finally, the editor notes the existence of Every Name Indexes completed by Lela Eby for nine Church of the Brethren congregational and district histories.Winter 1998 (Vol. 30, No. 4)
This issue is full of indexes. In addition to the index theme, the two cover articles are a congregational history of the Meadow Branch church in Maryland and a reprinted 1883 article about the rotation of meetings among 25 families in the Nimishillen Ohio congregation from 1825. "Gospel Visitor Obituaries" are continued (from July through December 1857); the editor has listed six more Church of the Brethren District Histories which were indexed by Lela Eby; and this issue contains an eight-page index for Volume 30.Spring 1999 (Vol. 31, No. 1)
A variety of material is presented in this issue. An interesting article on the "Wenger/Gibbel House of Worship" has numerous photos. Letha (Snider) Bolender transcribes the "Virginia Brethren Marriages By Samuel L. Boone" from his Marriage Journal (1886- 1894). A chart of "Ministers Who Served German Settlement Congregation of West VA" is printed and "Ministers Elected in Shade Creek Congregation" is listed. A brief history of the "Brownsville Church MD" written by Emanuel Slifer for the Brethren's Almanac for Year 1879 is included. Four and a half pages of "Brethren At Work Obituaries" from September 1876 to December 1877 are provided and Gospel Visitor Obituaries" (1856) is continued in this issue. In addition to many other items, the editor reports on the distribution of the annual Membership Directory and announces details of the annual meeting of the FOBG in Milwaukee WI this summer.Summer 1999 (Vol. 31, No. 2)
Homer Benton publishes a letter to the editor describing the history of Jacob A. Stover's journal (written in shorthand). Galen Stover Beery, a great-grandson, provides excerpts from January and February of 1859 along with family photographs. He also writes a report on the Stover Spring House in Greencastle Pennsylvania and plans to reconstruct it. Also, in this issue, an article by Merle C. Rummel tries to identify Elder Jacob Miller of Franklin County Virginia and Montgomery County Ohio by reviewing the data and the problems with some of the information. Photos of an 1894 Brethren emigrant train from Indiana to North Dakota and of a North Dakota homestead add to the appeal of this issue.Fall 1999 (Vol. 31, No. 3)
Two articles begin on the cover: an 1868 list of over 1400 subscribers to the Christian Family Companion, an early Brethren publication, is begun; and the minutes of the 1898 meeting of the "Church of the Brethren of the District of North Dakota, Eastern Montana and Western Canada" includes many Brethren names. A companion article on "Brethren Families Settle in Western Montana & Canada" is accompanied by two photos. Also, obituaries that appeared in the Gospel Visitor between 1851 and 1855 are listed. Then, in addition to the editor's regular columns, President Ronald Hollinger reports on the 1999 annual meeting. As usual, these articles and columns are informative and include references for further research.Winter 1999 (Vol. 31, No. 4)
Merle Rummel submits the text of his fine presentation to the FOBG Manchester Workshop on the "Westward Migration Routes of Brethren." The 1868 Christian Family Companion subscription list is concluded in this issue. And along with the regular queries, books of interest, new members, and editor's columns, the index for the year is included.Spring 2000 (Vol. 32, No. 1)
Photographs of the Lancaster County PA Masterson family, the Gettysburg OH Witwer and Martzall families add to the attractiveness of this issue. A list of marriages performed between 1866 and 1890 by Elder Henry Dickenson around Pendleton Co WV, a transcription of the Old German Cemetery in Montgomery County OH, and a list of obituaries published in the periodical Brethren At Work from 1878 are included. Richard Weber contributed a copy of an article on "Pennsylvania's Dunkers" published in the New York Sun and American Socialist (NY) in 1879.Summer 2000 (Vol. 32, No. 2)
Jane Shaffer Elsmere's well-documented article, "John Henricks: His Ancestry, Life and Children," includes a lengthy narrative of Dutch Mennonite origins back to mid-17th century in the Palatinate. The Mennonite John Henricks married around 1786/87 the Brethren Elizabeth Snider and joined her church. A list of children is given. Wayne L. Miller's article, "Michael Miller Family Church Membership," identifies church membership of the 22 children of Michael Miller (1784-1856) and his two wives: Saloma Cramer and Elizabeth Brumbaugh. A continuation from earlier issues is the "Brethren At Work Obituaries Vol. III March to June 1878." The article, "Marsh Creek Church - Gettysburg, Adams Co., PA," chronologically identifies significant individuals involved with the church from around 1790 to 1915. Another article is a timeline of "Items of Historical Interest Concerning New Enterprise, PA Church of the Brethren" (1750-1915) with accompanying photos. An announcement is made about the release of the "Gospel Messenger Obituary Index Now on a CD ROM," a resource identifying over 75,000 obituaries appearing between 1883 and 1964 in both ASCII text format (txt) and Rich Field Format (rft), along with the usual features in the issue of "Books of Interest," New Members, Address Changes, and Queries.Fall 2000 (Vol. 32, No. 3)
The Shade Creek Congregation of Somerset County PA and Aughwick Congregation in Huntingdon County PA were subjects of articles in this issue. The Eshelman VanSyckel, William Wilson, and Heinrich Eshelman families are recorded.Winter 2000 (Vol. 32, No. 4)
The Winter issue contains the index for the year, along with an exceptional article on the Buffalo Valley Church of the Brethren and some of its early membersSpring 2001 (Vol. 33, No. 1)
Articles on Benjamin Sailor Overholser and John Melvin Markley, a transcription of the Red Mill Dunkard Cemetery in Cambria County PA, and a report by the FOBG President Ronald Hollinger proposing a new constiturion or by-laws comprise this issue.Summer 2001 (Vol. 33, No. 2)
This summer issue is dedicated to the St Vrain Church in Hygiene CO and includes the cover article on the early families, a membership list, and the Hygiene Cemetery listing. Benjamin Sailor Overholser's 1893 diary is continued in this issue. Regular columns complete the issue.Fall 2001 (Vol. 33, No. 3)
Miriam Shubert Higgins wrote the cover story about Enoch Eby (1828-1910). The By-Laws of the Fellowship of Brethren Genealogists is reprinted and the Hygiene Cemetery reading is continued. Obituaries and marriages printed in the "Pilgrim" in 1870 are copied here. The Brethren Heritage Center for the Miami Valley of Ohio is announced. It will house information on Brethren history, genealogy, and church records.Winter 2001 (Vol. 33, No. 4)
A lengthy account of the Claar congregation in Bedford County PA is reprinted from a 1908 pamphlet by the pastor, David M. Adams. An interesting story is included about William Dearduff, who died in the Alamo and whose ancestors were Brethren. The Hygiene Cemetery listing is concluded and the index for the year completes the volume.Spring 2002 (Vol. 34, No. 1)
The Claar congregation history is continued with biographical sketches of many of the elders and prominent members. A well researched article on the Studebaker family shares the cover. A reprinted article from the 1878 Brethren's Almanac on the Solomon's Creek Church in Elkhart IN and the regular columns fill out this issue.Summer 2002 (Vol. 34, No. 2)
An exceptional article leads this issue on the subject on the Brethren migration into North Dakota. Associated material includes lists of churches and surnames. The reprint of the Claar booklet is concluded in this third part of the series. Interspersed in this issue are a couple of lists of esoteric value: a list of the annual meetings of the FOBG and a historical list of FOBG officers.Fall/Winter 2002 (Vol. 34, No. 3/4)
This combined issue marks a transition from the death of the editor, Homer Benton, before completion of the summer issue to the new editor in Wayne Webb. Two exception articles comprise this issue. The cover article, "Henry Moyer of Montgomery County, Ohio and his Brethren Descendants," offers well documented insights on this family. The other article, "Sorting out the Brethren Frantz Lines" by Dwayne Wrightsman, is a competent analysis of what is known about four Frantz immigrant ancestors. Both articles are superlative in their use of footnotes.Spring 2003 (Vol. 35, No. 1)
This issue is devoted to "The Hay Family of Pennsylvania and Ohio" by Wayne Webb. Maps, photographs, and footnotes complement this extraordinary discussion on the Hay families.Summer/Fall 2003 (Vol. 35, No. 2/3)
"Final Resting Place of Elder Christian Myers," by J. Floyd Wine is the cover. The editor adds his own material on the family. The editor lists "The Montgomery County, Ohio Marriages of Elder Jacob Miller. The beginning of the "Brethren Heritage Center" is discussed. More information is presented in "Hay Family Revisited." Dwayne Wrightsman contributes an article on "German Roots of the Brethren Ohmart Families." Ferne Baldwin sent an article from the Brethren's Family Almanac, 1896 written by Amos B. Peters on "The Church in North Dakota." Maxine Driscoll sent a 1987 Marysville KS newspaper account of "Church's 104-year history concluded at auction" about the Richland Center Church of the Brethren. There is an advertisement for the FOBG's Genealogy Workshop at North Manchester IN and the 202 FOBG treasurer's report.Winter 2003 (Vol. 35, No. 4)
A cover article entitled "Books of Olde" gives background information on an appended article reprinting sections of the 1920 district history of Southern Ohio. A fascinating account of the 1729 Mortonhouse ship list compares different passenger lists and relates them to the passengers on the ship Allen with Alexander Mack. A short sketch of Daniel Gripe (1772 PA to 1859 Goshen IN) of the Gripe/Cripe family includes a list of marriages performed by him. The 1806 Bedford County PA tax list is reproduced and copies of local newspaper obituaries related to the funerals officiated by William D. Fisher, serving a Church of the Brethren congregation in Lancaster PA between 1925 and 1932.Spring 2004 (Vol. 36, No. 1)
A well-written cover story on J.G. Francis is submitted by David J. Bachman titled "Jacob Gottwals Francis 1870-1958 A man in the wrong place before his time?" An article on the "Iowa River Church of the Brethren" is reprinted from History of the Northern Plains Church of the Brethren 1844 - 1977 and an accompaning "Notes on the Ancestors of Mrs. Lois V. Haile. Otherwise, continued articles comprise this issue: "Bedford County, Pennsylvania 1806 Tax Lists," "Funeral Services Officiated by Elder William D Fisher," and a transcription of chapter two of the Southern Ohio District History. The reproduction of the "Diary of Jesse Dungan Nicholson" is begun in this issue.Summer 2004 (Vol. 36, No. 2)
A. Wayne Webb writes about "The Two Christian Kralls of Bucks County, Pennsylvania." Merle writes about the "Obannon Creek/Stonelick Church" and the families who moved there. Jonathan Stayer studies the history of "The Manson Tract of Adam Stayer" in Bedford Co. PA. Under "Books of Olde" the editor continues the article from the 1920 Southern Ohio District History. There is a "Bedford County Pennsylvania 1806 Tax Lists: Belfast Township" and a transcription of a "Diary of Jesse Dungan Nicholson." Also in this issue is an 1883 letter by John Gauby giving some genealogical information and "Funeral Services Officiated by Elder William D. Fisher," a continuing series on his personal register in the possession of Alberta McAdams.Fall 2004 (Vol. 36, No. 3)
Jim Neher contributes "A Brief History of the Neher Family" and Lois V. Haile's submission of the "Diary of Jesse Dungan Nicholson" is finished in this issue. Dwayne Wrightsman begins an article on the John Nicholas Garst family in "The Brethren of Little Swatara Creek." Other continuing articles include "Funeral Services Officiated by Elder William D. Fisher" and the "Bedford County, Pennsylvania 1806 Tax Lists."Winter 2004 (Vol. 36, No. 4)
Wayne Webb, the journal editor, reprinted pages of the January 1, 1895 issue of the "Gospel Messenger" and continues reproducing the Southern Ohio District History from the last issue. He also includes a copy of the "Bedford County, Pennsylvania 1806 Tax Lists." A biographical sketch is contributed by Jim DeFigh in "Ancestry of Barbara Barry, Wife of Christian Schlechty, of Darke County, Ohio." Dwayne Wrightsman contributes a well documented article on the Garst families in "The Brethren of Little Swatara Creek." Finally, and for many long-time members of the Fellowship, the most important note of this issue is an obituary notice for Gwen Bobb. Gwendolyn F. Bobb had been employed at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin Illinois for two decades. After her retirement, she continued to maintain a desk in the Brethren Historical Library and Archives and kept the Fellowship of Brethren Genealogists going as the long-term Executive Director of this organization.Spring 2005 (Vol. 37, No. 1)
There are four quality articles that comprise this issue: Historical Sketch of the Dry Creek Church, Linn Co., Iowa," by Eric Blocher, "Brethren Pioneer Settlements of the Upper Shenandoah Valley," by Emmert Bittinger, "Endurance of a Brethren Family: The Life, Struggle and Letters of Thomas Miller - Brethren Minister during the Civil War," [in Kansas] by Rev. Daniel McEver, and "Henry and Susanna Frantz Neher," by Dwayne Wrightsman. Also there is an announcement of the celebration of its 200th anniversary by the Lower Miami Church of the Brethren in Montgomery County OH and of the FOBG annual meeting in Peoria IL.Summer 2005 (Vol. 37, No. 2)
This double issue of forty pages has as its theme the history, faith, and religion of the Southwest Ohio Brethren churches. Wayne Webb, Diana Wheaton, Ron McAdams, and Merle Rummel contribute articles on the Lower Miami Church ofthe Brethren, the Virginia Conference of 1811, and the Frontier Brethren. Numerous illustrations and photos of individuals and church buildings add to the attractiveness of this issue. Merle Rummel adds "Brethren on the Ohio Valley Frontier," and "Brethren Pietism."Fall 2005 (Vol. 37, No. 3)
The new President of FOBG, Dwyane Wrightsman, introduces himself on the cover and contributes a couple of articles on "The Brethren of Botetourt County, Virginia, 1799" and "Brethren Roots of the Botetourt 42." The editor adds to a previous article on "Brethren on the Ohio Frontier" with an article, "Elder Jacob Miller - Revisited."Winter 2005 (Vol. 37, No. 4)
The editor writes about his experiences in copying the 1920 Southern Ohio District History. A reprint of a current Ohio newspaper about "150 years: An anniversary celebrating set for Olivet Church of the Brethren" appears. Other material is about FOBG business.Spring 2006 (Vol. 38, No. 1)
The "Autobiography of Elder Samuel Murray 1806-1906" is the highlight of this issue. Other items include a chronological list of "Ministers, Deacons & Events of Coon River Church in Iowa" and "Bedford County, Pennsylvania 1806 Tax Lists," this time on Colerain Township. The editor has a several additions of information to members of the Schnell family. A list of "Elder Jacob Miller: Marriages Performed in Franklin County, Virginia" is also in this issue. Fred W. Benedict offers a tribute to the life of Donald F. Durnbaugh (1927-2005), Brethren historian, Brethren Encyclopedia editor, and friend.Summer 2006 (Vol. 38, No. 2)
"The Very Ancient Church of the Brethren in Lancaster Co., Pa. By Elder Henry Kurtz -- 1855" is studied. A lenghty article analyzing "Conestoga Baptisms" by Dwayne Wrightsman with two side by side lists is noteworthy. Also another "Bedford County, Pennsylvania 1806 Tax Lists" (Dublin Township) appears. Thompson Westcott's Reformed Church article, "The German Reformed Church in Philadelphia, Between 1725 and 1751," is added.Fall 2006 (Vol. 38, No. 3)
"Henry Snell, Son of Philip Snell," by Richard R. Weber is a well illustrated article on Henry's (1758 PA - 1822 PA) family. Richard Weber also offers an interesting sidebar "About That Other Henry Snell." Again, a names appearing in the "Bedford County, Pennsylvania 1806 Tax Lists," this time for Hopewell Township, is printed. Copying large sections of the Gospel Messenger (v. 21, n. 26, July 3, 1883) is started.Winter 2006 (Vol. 38, No. 4)
"A Brief History of the Sugar Creek German Baptist Congregation of Illinois" by Dwayne Wrightsman is followed by his long article, "The Sugar Creek Brethren Families Part I: Roland, Dick, Donner, Shutt & Gates." Another two part article is started in this issue: "Our Brethren Wolfe and Wigle Families" reporting what cousins Judith Wilson and Pell Ann Wardrop, who having met on the internet three years prior, have discovered about the George Wolfe, Sr. (1750-1808) family and John Wigle family.Spring 2007 (Vol. 39, No. 1)
The second part of "Our Brethren Wolfe and Wigle Families" provide the cover article for this issue and continues the stories of travels in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois and their descendants to Iowa and Oregon. The remainder of this issue is taken by "The Sugar Creek Brethren Families Part 2: Gibson, Vancil, Thompson, Sears, Harmon & Peebler."Summer 2007 (Vol. 39, No. 2) Fall 2007 (Vol. 39, No. 3)
The editor, A. Wayne Webb, continues with Part II of the "Burial Records of Elder Joseph Myer (8 pages), adds a second article on the descendants of Philip Knee (Phillippus Hermanus Kny [with umlaut]) 1744-1825 (6 pages including gravestone photos), and a third contribution of an 1886 Gospel Messenger article by H. B. Brumbaugh about his visit to "Brethren on the Eastern Shore of Maryland." Richard R. Weber submits a "Letter of 1914 from J. G. Francis," which is soliciting information for his 1928 book Royer Family in America.Winter 2007 (Vol. 39, No. 4) Spring 2008 (Vol. 40, No. 1)
A Diary of Amanda Mayer Snell (of Illinois), well footnoted, covering the years 1899 and 1900 comprise most of this issue. The diary, provided by David Snell Coffman, provides a picture of Brethren life during that period. Also included in this issue is an article by the editor, Wayne Webb, on the history of "The Church of Adair County, Iowa" based on and inspired by a 1883 Gospel Messenger report.Summer 2008 (Vol. 40, No. 2) Fall 2008 (Vol. 40, No. 3)
no issue publishedWinter 2008 (Vol. 40, No. 4)
no issue publishedSpring 2009 (Vol. 41, No. 1)
no issue publishedSummer 2009 (Vol. 41, No. 2)
no issue publishedFall 2009 (Vol. 41, No. 3)
no issue publishedWinter 2009 (Vol. 41, No. 4)
no issue published
This first issue by the new journal editor, Bonita Longanecker Rogers, includes obituaries of Ora Bertrum Bowman, Ella Stauffer Bowman, and Job Helman contributed by Ron McAdams and articles on Brethren families (Norris and Detrick) by Thomas Liby and one on "Brethren Families in Northeastern Ohio" by Bonita Rogers.Spring 2010 (Vol. 41, No. 2)
This second issue includes an obituary for Elder Elias Dickey, a report on last year's FOBG meeting, an article on the 1854 Annual Meeting at Ashland Ohio, a three-part contribution (introduction to Brethren in Chicago, a 1913 Chicago membership list, and notes on selected members), "The Elias Dickey family of Northeastern Ohio" and a welcomed re-instatement of previously regular columns on "Queries" and "FOBG Membership List Updates" on change of addresses and new members. on some membersSummer 2010 (Vol. 41, No. 3)
Fall 2010 (Vol. 41, No. 4)
Winter 2011 (Vol. 42, No. 1)
Emmert Bittinger's Revolutionary War and the Maryland Brethren is the cover article. He follows this with a series of articles on Founding Ministers to 1800 of the Virginia Brethren Churches, Founding Families of the Flat Rock Congregation, and an in depth study of Elder John Glick and Wife Barbara Stauffer: Early Brethren Settlers on Holman's Creek Shenandoah County VA. The editor adds an article from Homer Benton's files, Brethren in the Pacific Northwest, and an associated biographical sketch of Amos B. Peters 1845-1924 (see also, v.8, n.1, p.12 and v.43, n.1 and 2, et. al.).Spring 2011 (Vol. 42, No. 2) Summer 2011 (Vol. 42, No. 3)
Fall 2011 (Vol. 42, No. 4)
Winter 2012 (Vol. 43, No. 1)
The cover story, 1942 CPS Unit Delayed in Tampa, by Esther Landis Bittinger, is a personal account of the preparations for the first Civilian Public Service unit and the diversion of the China medical unit to Puerto Rico. Esther's family hosted the group while they waited to go to Puerto Rico. She writes another article, Recollections of the Early Tampa Churches, giving the context of the life of the congregations and identifies some individuals. A couple of full page group photos accompany the article. The second part of Benjamin Sollenberger's Baker Church Cemetery Index (Monroe Township, Cumberland County, PA) finishes the alphabetical list. He notes the sources he used in compiling it and that there are differences from internet lists. Dee Howard provides a transcription of the Will of John Metzger 1758-1807 recorded in the Bedford County PA Registrar's Office as an accompaniment to the article, "Who Were the Metzgers?" From her predecessor's files, the editor includes the beginning of a lengthy article by Geraldine Crill Eller on "G.N." A Catalyzer, an account of the interaction among the Brethren fruit farmers of the Wenatchee Valley, Amos Peters, Max Bass, and the Great Northern railroad. The discussion on the Brethren migration to Cando ND is started.Spring 2012 (Vol. 43, No. 2)
The conclusion of well footnoted Geraldine Crill Eller article gives more examples to prove her thesis that both The Great Northern Railway as a privately financed railroad and the Brethren farmers were able to maintain their identity.Summer 2012 (Vol. 43, No. 3) Fall 2012 (Vol. 43, No. 4)
The second part of Doris Dilbert's article on Snake Spring Valley Church concludes and Baker Cemetery gravestone photos appear.Winter 2013 (Vol. 44, No. 1) Fall 2012 (Vol. 43, No. 4) Winter 2013 (Vol. 44, No. 1)
The German Baptist section of the Greenlawn Cemetery, Jefferson Township, Miami County, Indiana functions as the cover story in this issue. Sondra Bowman supplies an alphabetical list of burials in this section. Sondra also contributes the first part of a transcription of the council minutes of the Mount Calvary Church of the Brethren in Cass County Indiana beginning in 1894. Merle Rummel has an article tracing the family of Christopher Stump in colonial America from New York to Canada, Pennsylvannia, and Indiana.
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